What is PRP Therapy?

PRP therapy involves extracting and concentrating platelets from one’s own blood. Platelets are rich in growth factors and cytokines that play a crucial role in healing. The concentrated PRP is injected into the affected joint, accelerating tissue repair and regeneration.

Start Your PRP Joint Injection Therapy Today

Experience the regenerative benefits of PRP Joint Injections at Defiant Health Spa. Our expert team is dedicated to providing personalized treatments that cater to your specific needs, ensuring you feel revitalized and pain-free.

Contact us today to schedule your PRP Joint Injection session and take the first step towards enhanced joint health.


How long does a PRP Joint Injection session take?
A typical PRP Joint Injection session takes about 30-45 minutes, including the time needed to prepare the PRP from your blood and the actual injection procedure.
Most patients experience minimal discomfort during the PRP injection. Local anesthesia is often used to numb the area, and any post-procedure soreness is usually mild and temporary.
The number of sessions required varies depending on the severity of the condition. While some patients improve significantly after one session, additional treatments may be advised for the best results.
PRP therapy utilizes your blood and carries minimal risk of adverse reactions. Some patients might have mild swelling, bruising, or soreness at the injection site, which typically resolves within days.
Some patients notice improvements within weeks, while others may take months to see the full benefits. Healing times vary per individual based on the treated condition.